

Know Yourself Better Inside and Out

Blood Pressure Monitoring Made Simple!

Não importa se somos jovens ou velhos, nossa saúde ainda deve ser a primeira prioridade. Conhecer o seu peso e composição corporal dá a você a oportunidade de tomar melhores decisões em relação aos seus hábitos de vida. Seu corpo nem sempre dirá diretamente o que ele precisa, mas o iHealth Core pode ser o mensageiro.

9 Precise Data Points To Know Yourself Better

Bioimpedance is the common method used by household scales to calculate body composition. iHealth Core uses the bioimpedence method by using 4 conductors to determine the hindrance of electrical flow through the body, and uses that to calculate the total body water. From the total body water, it can estimate the 9 data points. As a bonus, we have a separate sensor for indoortemperature and humidity, so you can adjust your thermostat to keep your body in optimal condition.


You can know if you are healthy for your height. A small number or large number may not necessarily be better.

Body Fat

It helps you to adjust your lifestyle. The lower the better.


It determines if your weight may be due to fat. The lower the better.

Body Water

It lets you know how much water is in your system and can help you tell if you need to drink more water.

Lean Mass

Lean mass helps gauge how many calories you burn at rest. It can help you know how many calories you need to intake.

Visceral Fat Rating

This is important to understand how much fat you have in the abdominal wall. You can use this to manage your health and prevent diabetes.

Muscle Mass

If you are looking to build muscle, this can show you how much muscle you have now.

Bone Mass

It tells you how much your bones weigh.

Daily Calorie Intake

Use this to eat the optimal amount of calories you need.

One Scale for the Whole Family

Core can sync with up to 10 users. Simply step on the scale and iHealth will pull up your data from the others. It recognizes you based on your weight within a 5-pound variance. If two people are around the same weight, they just simply need to check to make sure their user number is displayed on the screen. If not, just click the bottom left of the scale like a mouse until you find your user number.